static compile <type>

Creates distribution versions of static Javascript, CSS, or Image files.

Compiles source Javascript, CSS (SCSS), and image files into distributable files. The command uses the .staticrc file to understand where to find the source files and where to output the distribution files.


If no type is provided, Static will default to all.

Compiles all CSS (SCSS), Javascript, and Images.

Compiles CSS (SCSS) files.

Compiles Javascript files.

Copies, optimizes, and creates .webp versions of images.


A relative path to a directory with a valid .staticrc file. Defaults to the current directory.

Watch the src directories for changes and recompile when applicable. This option only works with the all type.


# Compile all static assets (easiest way)
$ static
Static SUCCESS: CSS done!
Static SUCCESS: JS done!
Static SUCCESS: Images copied and optimized!

# Compile all static assets (alternative method)
$ static all
Static SUCCESS: CSS done!
Static SUCCESS: JS done!
Static SUCCESS: Images copied and optimized!

# Compile all and watch for changes
$ static --watch
Static SUCCESS: CSS done!
Static SUCCESS: JS done!
Static SUCCESS: Images copied and optimized!
Static INFO: Watching files...

# Compile all from a different directory
$ static --dir=example
Static SUCCESS: CSS done!
Static SUCCESS: JS done!
Static SUCCESS: Images copied and optimized!

# Compile CSS
$ static css
Static SUCCESS: CSS done!

# Compile Javascript
$ static js
Static SUCCESS: JS done!

# Compile Images
$ static images
Static SUCCESS: Images copied and optimized!